Adventuring across every
world we can find
Massive Damage Adventures and other endeavours

About Us
To play every game in our collection at least once. That was the original goal—of course we keep adding games to the list!
Meric and Jen plus about 50 other friends played TTRPG one shots on the Massive Damage Adventures podcast for five years.
Now? We play them and review them on Twitch and YouTube.


Board Game Reviews
Looking for a new board game? Maybe something to play with your family? Meric and Jen write family-focused board game reviews for Game Theory!
What's Game Theory? They're an online, Canadian-based board game and puzzle seller, and they're obsessed with helping you find your perfect game or puzzle.
Check them out at thepuzzleshop.ca, and read Meric and Jen's reviews on the in-house reviews section.
Massive Damage Adventures
Our podcast released at least one actual-play one shot every month from 2019 through 2022, though the first episode was recorded in 2017.
Dozens of players have lent their voices, creativity, and pure chaos to a huge variety of games from talented designers and amazing publishers.